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Executive Tower 102


Starting point in your career

We start at the point where management schools – even very good ones – stop.

You have successfully managed your first career steps; your responsibilities in the company are growing – nationally and internationally. You generally enjoy your work; maybe you have also already started a family; you sense the demands on you as a manager continuously increasing; on the one hand is your boardroom’s increasing demand for innovative change – on the other, your employees’ and family members’ demand for calm and stability. This inner conflict, this ambiguity worries you. There is hardly any time left for exercise, hobbies or family. It seems to you that life-long learning is becoming increasingly necessary.

At Executive Tower 102, we begin by getting to know you as a person with your needs and personal goals. Only then do we begin to develop ideas and, based on these, create a program that is practicable for you and that will enable us to best support you in your development.