1. Leadership skills
Leadership Agility CEO Check
The first step towards understanding an executive’s current position on the way to becoming an agile executive is the CEO Check – a specially designed means of 360° feedback. It centers on the three qualities relevant to change:
- Conducting important talks
- Initiating changes in the company and
- Leading teams.
Each of these leadership qualities is examined in four specific innovation-relevant areas:
- Stakeholder agility
- Self-management agility
- Creativity
- Putting agility into context
The result: every feedback recipient sees which of his/her behavior patterns are particularly future-oriented and what influence posture has on these patterns.
Culture analysis
- Status quo in the company: How ready are we for the future?
- Status quo of teams
Custom-made development programs lasting between 3 and 30 days
- Silver: status quo analysis, prospects
- Gold: status quo analysis, prospects, feedback and reflection, first specific steps
- Platinum: status quo analysis, prospects, feedback and reflection, “reverse” job placement
Agility forum – executives exchanging ideas
2. External communication
The appearance and presence of an executive
- Preparing for speeches and/or presentations
- Camera and studio training
Handling media representatives
- Understanding and controlling journalists
- Social media
- Personal branding
3. Corporate social responsibility
Daily reflection with top-level managers, politicians and VIPs on politics, economy, philosophy and other topics relevant to society, in cooperation with the Aspen Institute, the German Marshall Fund and other international organizations
Impetus: placement of speakers for engagement, presentations
Small-group retreats for executives
4. Work-life balance
Support for the executive’s personal and/or family environment, for example in case of
- Burnout
- Dependency
- Divorce
- Mobbing