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Executive Tower 102


Everything an executive needs

1. Leadership skills

Leadership Agility CEO Check

The first step towards understanding an executive’s current position on the way to becoming an agile executive is the CEO Check – a specially designed means of 360° feedback. It centers on the three qualities relevant to change:

  • Conducting important talks
  • Initiating changes in the company and
  • Leading teams.

Each of these leadership qualities is examined in four specific innovation-relevant areas:

  • Stakeholder agility
  • Self-management agility
  • Creativity
  • Putting agility into context

The result: every feedback recipient sees which of his/her behavior patterns are particularly future-oriented and what influence posture has on these patterns.

Culture analysis

  • Status quo in the company: How ready are we for the future?
  • Status quo of teams

Custom-made development programs lasting between 3 and 30 days

  • Silver: status quo analysis, prospects
  • Gold:  status quo analysis, prospects, feedback and reflection, first specific steps
  • Platinum: status quo analysis, prospects, feedback and reflection, “reverse” job placement

2. External communication

The appearance and presence of an executive

  • Preparing for speeches and/or presentations
  • Camera and studio training

Handling media representatives

  • Understanding and controlling journalists
  • Social media
  • Personal branding

3. Corporate social responsibility

4. Work-life balance

Support for the executive’s personal and/or family environment, for example in case of

  • Burnout
  • Dependency
  • Divorce
  • Mobbing